Crayons and Stilettos: Snow days

By Tiffany Evans

Journal columnist

This week our lawns, roads, patios and cars have been covered with snow and ice. We have sat indoors and watched as fluffy white crystals have fallen to the ground blanketing everything around us.

My kids have looked out the window waiting to see how much snow we really get, and if the grass really will be completely covered.

Last night as I tucked my eldest son in, I told him how when he got up today there would be so much snow everywhere. To which of course he asked how much snow. Wouldn’t we all like to know the exact amount.

Naturally I laughed and said I have no clue, probably a bunch. In the mind of my 8-year-old, a bunch of snow meant that it might be so deep that it was taller than him. Truth be told, I have not seen that much snow ever. Naturally (in an attempt to stay up later no doubt) he continued to question how much snow we would actually receive.

In considering his questions, it brought me back to snow days when I was a kid. I remember one year we had so much snow that my dad literally attempted to build an igloo in the front yard. Now, I can’t seem to get enough snow to build a decent snow man let alone an entire igloo.

As a kid we lived in a holler (for those of you not from a round here, a valley between two hills). When it snowed, we were stuck. Looking back now, I realize when the power went out it was not a good thing. When I was a kid, I can remember being snowed in as more of an adventure. My parents would cook on our wood stove, and we would have a massive slumber party in the living room. Back then it was a fun party, we would stay up late and laugh and play. Now I realize it was so we didn’t freeze.

Once the snow would finally begin to melt and trees had been moved out of the road, we would start to venture out. I can remember it would feel like we were bears coming out of hibernation. My dad would venture down the road first to see if the roads were clear enough to get through, and then we would bundle up.

One year in particular; my dad had an old International Scout. He had been working on it and at the time it did not have a roof. This was back before there were so many rules about these things. We piled into this old Scout, with many layers of clothing on and ventured into town. For me going to town, especially after days of being snowed in, was a journey to a faraway land.

Snow days when I was a kid were much different than they are now. For us, when it snowed, school was cancelled. It was pretty much a given.

I can remember staying up late when it would start to snow in anticipation of the school closings list on the news. My sister and I would wait anxiously to see if our school was on the list. If it wasn’t we would grumble and moan and head onto bed, obviously praying that the snow would just pour out while we were sleeping.

The next day we would gather at the television before we would even eat breakfast. We would be certain that our school must be closed. When Jessamine County would cross the screen, we would scream in excitement suddenly considerably more awake than we were just seconds before. The entire day would be filled with sledding, getting covered in snow and mud, and coming in to dry our gloves and warm by the fire while drinking hot chocolate.

My kids, much like most of yours now don’t actually get real snow days. For us, school goes on. We homeschool, so rain, sleet or snow, school still happens. In all honesty though, I do allot for a slightly longer recess and plan snow cream as an extra snack time.

Sleds sliding down hills can count as physics, and the amount of time it takes for our gloves to thaw can count as math. We can write our letters in the snow and build snow men for art class.

Truth be told, maybe a little break is earned.



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