Church briefs for Jan. 30, 2020
Published 2:21 pm Thursday, January 30, 2020
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Body Recall at Crosswoods Baptist Church
Crosswoods Baptist Church, located at 4991 Harrodsburg Road, is still holding “Body Recall” hosted by Carolyn Walter. Classes will be held 2 to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Body Recall is a fitness program for all ages.
Al-Anon meeting at Wilmore United Methodist
Al-Anon meetings are for those troubled by another’s alcohol use, or substance abuse. An Al-ANon meeting (using the 12 Step program). Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the Wilmore United Methodist Church, 209 E. Main St. in Wilmore. The meeting is in the back part of WUMC in the basement. Call 859-327-8130 for more information or visit There are no fees or dues, and anonymity is a key policy.
Free meal every Saturday at Nicholasville United Methodist
A free meal is served every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nicholasville United Methodist Church, located at 303 W. Maple St. in the community center. No registration or forms to fill out. All are welcome.
Providence Christian hosting Bodies in Motion exercise class
Providence Christian Church announced it will host a “Bodies in Motion” exercise class each Monday and Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m., located at 101 Providence Way, Nicholasville. All are welcome to come and enjoy senior-appropriate movement to enhance strength, balance, and flexibility. For more information, call 859-272-3655.
Nicholasville Christian Church hosts Busy Bodies Exercise Group
Nicholasville Christian Church is offering a free Busy Bodies Exercise Group at 10 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in the small fellowship hall. The church is located at 104 S. Second St. Everyone is welcome. The group features senior appropriate exercises to target strength, mobility and balance. For more information call 859-888-4311.
Wilmore Anglican Church meeting Sundays at Asbury
The Wilmore Anglican Church will meet at 10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings at the McKenna Chapel on the Asbury Theological Seminary campus. For more information, visit
Free meal at Saint Aidan’s
Saint Aidan’s Anglican Church invites the community to a free meal every Wednesday night from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. St. Aidan’s is located at 926 S. Main St. in the Lily Springs Shopping center across from Kroger. For more information, call Father Lee at 859-553-2483 or email
Bethel Harvest Church offers food distribution
Bethel Harvest Church, located at 3260 Lexington Road, will host a food distribution every Thursday from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. The event is free to all Jessamine County residents who present a county ID.