Opinion: School is right around the corner
Published 1:22 pm Friday, July 26, 2019
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Last week, I went to Walmart with my kids and was shocked to see all the back to school supplies out lining the isles.
Fresh off the Fourth of July holiday, it was surprising to me to suddenly be hit with the reality that I now needed to focus on back to school shopping and school supply lists.
Luckily, one very smart person decided to partner with Walmart and put all of our kids’ classroom lists printed on the isle with the school supplies. No longer do you have to wait to see what class your child is in and get the list from the teacher only to go to the store and have them mostly be sold out.
As my children grumbled about having to go back to school in only a few short weeks, they quickly became interested in all the items they were throwing into the shopping carts as they checked off their list of supplies.
New back packs, lunchboxes, pencil boxes, folders, paper, coloring pencils and more are now thrown out across my kitchen and dining room as my three children are taking the time to back their bags, anxious for their first day back when they get to see their friends after these long summer months.
I know us parents are anxious too. If your children are anything like mine, they have been bouncing off the walls after becoming bored with their toys, games and summer activities. Even a trip to the pool is not catching my kids’ enthusiasm like before. As much as they don’t want to return to the classroom, it is needed for the sanity of everyone involved.
I have always been blessed with very giving grandparents who line up to take my children shopping for back to school clothes and supplies. Just as I start to worry and wonder how we are going to afford the long lists of items schools now ask you to bring in – things such as paper towels, sanitizer and tissue – my husband and my parents’ chip in and take the burden away from us. Although, there are not many that are so lucky.
It is strange to think, but back to school time is a very stressful time for many families. Almost as stressful as the Christmas holiday. Especially those with more than one child. When I was younger, I only remember my parents having to shop to dress us for the seasons ahead. Now, the lists are longer every year and the stress load higher as parents struggle to try and find a way to make sure their children are ready to return to the classroom.
Luckily, if residents need help, there seems to be many who are quick to lend a helping hand to those in need when it comes to back to school shopping. Last year, the Jessamine County Salvation Army helped families fill the backpacks of their children for low-income and qualifying individuals. Some politicians even held fundraisers and donated items to their local child’s school.
If you are one of the few that need help, please don’t hesitate to look out in the community for more options to help you fill your child’s backpack. If you are one of the select few that has extra to give, please seek out donation spots. Together, we can all help make the transition back to school in a few more weeks less stressful for all involved.
Brittany Fuller is the community editor of The Jessamine Journal and Jessamine Life magazine. She can be reached at brittany.fuller@jessaminejournal.com.