Passionate people set the world on fire

Published 9:43 am Thursday, July 5, 2018

I’ve been called many things in my life, not all of which are true, although the one I will easily admit to is passionate.

Or you can go with “fiery” if you want to call me what my family and friends do. This is a fact the universe perhaps even knows as I stumbled across my horoscope recently that literally told me to “calm down.”

I swear there is a strong Irish or Italian gene in me somewhere. It is a trait some may not wear proudly, although I have no problem exclaiming it from the highest rooftop. Passion, although sometimes mistaken as anger, ultimately means the person feeling the emotion is intensely driven with devotion for whatever they desire most.

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In fact, look up the definition and you will find those exact words: intense, driven, devotion and desire.

If we start to look at someone’s anger as passion, as crazy as it sounds, the world might be a better place.

Now, I am not saying that everything someone can be passionate about is a good thing. The standards that define society has its limits. Although, in those times we find ourselves in an argument or dealing with someone who by definition could be considered “fiery,” we might better understand the situation if we stop and ask ourselves why that person is so passionate about what they are fighting for.

After all, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view.”

With that said, I have been diligent to work hard for what I am passionate about — writing.

I live my life driven to be fearless in pursuit of what I know I truly want in life. Feeling as if my passion for writing is part of my purpose, it was only natural it also became my profession.

I’ve been told many times in my life that writers are introverts. I’m not sure I entirely agree with that statement. Those who have met me and my boisterous fiery personality can attest introvert I most likely am not. Although, those who know me very well have seen me withdraw into my writing and become so introverted when needing to express myself through words that I become hardly recognizable to some who consider me a friend or an acquaintance.

Writing for me is an outlet I use like the air I breathe. It always has been and always will be. It is an addiction so naturally embedded in me since I was able to put a pen to paper.

Journalism aside, writers take their craft very seriously. Much like an artist who paints for a living, transporting their feelings to canvas, a writer loves life and words enough to try and make blank pages come to life in order to touch the reader who cares enough to listen. I would never touch a painter’s canvas after they have created their masterpiece, much like writers don’t like people messing with their thoughts after they are put on paper.

Although, that doesn’t mean I can’t also take constructive criticism, either.

I believe those who choose to become an artist in any form — painter, writer, actor, photographer, etc. — are obsessed with personal challenge and growth.

Always pushing to do better and create something new, we are often our worst critics and know taking constructive criticism from others is a must for not only self-growth and self-exploration in the artistic world we live in but also to allow us to fail, push forward, succeed and grow, which is a necessity for survival as an artist.

Constructive criticism is also a tool that has the power to bring forth our best work. We are pushers, doers, and explorers consumed with the need to mature and take on new challenges.

We are, by nature, passionate. 

I truly believe you should never dull yourself for someone who does not understand your passion.

One can argue, “True humility is being able to accept criticism as graciously as we accept compliments.”

Although, intense passion is not reserved exclusively for the prideful. You can be humble and hungry, and having passion will always make you the hardest worker in the room. True success comes to those who dedicate themselves to what they are passionate about.

Passionate people are risk takers, and a truly passionate person can take a dream and make it a reality.

In the end, I would rather live my life full of passion than never pursue what sets my soul on fire.

Even if I happen to throw a few “fiery” darts along the way.

Brittany Fuller is the community editor of The Jessamine Journal and Jessamine Life magazine. She can be reached at