Local students recognized by youth salute
Published 12:35 pm Thursday, July 5, 2018
From staff reports
Jessamine County High School students were among those recognized by the annual Central Kentucky Youth Leadership Council’s “Youth Salute.” There were two West Jessamine High School, one homeschooled, and 18 students from East Jessamine High School recognized this year.
The Central Kentucky Council on Youth Leadership was formed in 1980 to conduct the “Youth Salute” in nearby counties in cooperation with the National Council on Youth Leadership, a non-profit organization.
Students were nominated by teachers, guidance counselors and principal’s for this year’s “Youth Salute.” In order to qualify, the student must be a junior (senior class of 2018), have a 3.0 GPA or better and have held at least two leadership roles for which they were chosen by their peers or an adult leader within the past two years in school, religious or community sponsored organizations.
Several students from Jessamine County will be featured weekly in The Jessamine Journal.
Breanna’s accomplishments include student government junior class senator, National Honor’s Society, Beta Club, Spanish Club secretary, Central Baptist Hospital volunteer, The National Society of High School Scholars, National Youth Leadership Forum: medicine, Winterguard, Marching Colorquard and teen mentor.
Breanna plans to go to college to major in biology and would love to become a neurologist.
Brylee’s accomplishments include Hype Leadership Group, Too Good for Violence, East Jessamine Softball Team Captain, peer tutor, Fury Platinum Club Softball, Warner Elementary kid mentor, Youth Group at Lafayette Church of the Nararene, 2016 12th Region All-Tournament Team, 2017 46th District All-Tournament Team and honor roll.
Brylee will be attending Western Kentucky University to play softball in the fall and plans to major in dermatology.
Elsie’s accomplishemnts include Regional and District DECA officer, Youth Leadership Jessamine County, teen mentors, East Jessamine High School Varsity Tennis, Catalyst Christian Church Worchip Team Youth Band and Youth Group, East Jessamine High School Varsity Soccer, Storm Soccer Club, Second-Place at DECA State Competition, Beta Club and ACT 25+ Club.
Elsie plans to study health care and would love to become a missionary working in India to provide proper medical care for those who can not afford it.
Garand’s accomplishments include DECA Region Four Vice President of Civic Consciousness, Class of 2019 secretary, Jessamine County Shooting Sports Captian, East Jessamine High School track team, JCTC DECA Vice President of Fundraising and Community Service, 2017 HOBY Youth Leadership, 4-H Shooting Sports Member, lifequard, Beta Club and Bluegrass Gunners.
Garand plans to receive a major in ploitical science and hopes to become a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps.
Je’Dynn’s accomplishments include Jessamine County Youth Leadership Program, Outstanding Leadership Award, Black Acheivers Program, Delta-Theta-Sigma Debutante Program, Mock Trial Team, Vocational Bible School Leader, Human Science Pathway Award, track and field, Pre-Law Pathway Award and Explore Club.
Je’Dynn plans to attend University of Kentucky college and law after gradauate study and become a state prosecutor.