Fiscal court should not cater to the whims of developers
Published 9:24 am Thursday, February 8, 2018
Iurge citizens to attend the 4 p.m., Feb. 12 courthouse public hearing of fiscal court (or whatever date they may delay the hearing to so the developer gets his votes).
They are probably going to vote FOR a zone change from A1 to R1 on 31.59 acres on US 68 next to Bruner Lane. They are choosing to ignore the public, the Planning and Zoning Commission 5-2 vote against the zone change, and the comprehensive plan.
It makes me think that the P&Z Commission and comprehensive plan are worthless.
At first I thought the 5-2 vote indicated that at least five thought the comprehensive plan should be followed. I suspect the fiscal court is caving to the developer’s attorneys threat to sue the county if they don’t get the zone change.
Maybe fiscal court is just thinking money — ignore zoning plans and commissions if more property tax dollars are involved.
Maybe they think neighbors always complain about development in their backyard. But, a sign recently posted announces that there is a request for a 169.38 acre (32 house) cluster development 1.7 miles down US 68 from the 31.59 acre (23 house) zone change request.
This new request is near me, but I won’t complain about a development that meets the Comprehensive Plan, and maintains one house per five acres by using green space.
I wish the Fiscal Court would see that property taxes on the proposed 32 houses beats the proposed 23 houses without being a zone buster.
Eddie Sharp
Don’t need FDA to ‘protect’ us from homeopathy meds
The FDA is now planning to pull homeopathic preparations from the United States market by mid-March, 2018. The official rationale for this decision is to protect us from the “dangers” of homeopathy.
Homeopathy is the second most-used method of health care in the world and the first in many countries. Why? Because it works.
People don’t keep using what doesn’t work. As a health professional for 50 years working in multiple settings, I worked with individuals treated by pharmaceuticals. Some people were helped, but others had nearly fatal reactions to medications, long-term injuries, were given wrong medication, or over-dosed on medications. Some had liver failure and others renal failure as side effects from their pharmaceutical medications.
Many prescribed pharmaceuticals have led to an addiction crisis in the United States. Listening to television ads describing many medications currently available to us as United States citizens is enlightening.
While the ads tout the benefits of these medications, the list of side effects (often including fatality) is quite lengthy. And how many pharmaceutical medications approved by the FDA have later been pulled because they proved so harmful to so many? How many class-action lawsuits involving harm from medications are there? A lot.
So, it would appear the FDA hasn’t done a great job in protecting us from pharmaceuticals. How many lawsuits involving harm from homeopathic preparations are in the news?
So, does the FDA really need to protect us as Americans from homeopathy, or is the decision to pull homeopathic preparations more about the FDA protecting the interests of big pharmaceutical companies?
The FDA’s decision to pull homeopathic preparations from the United States market must be stopped.
As United States citizen’s we should have the right to choose whether we use pharmaceutical medications or homeopathic preparations. Please take every action at your disposal to ensure the FDA does not proceed with this plan!
Linda Langley
Nicholasville, Ky