Church news
Published 9:28 am Thursday, February 8, 2018
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Catholic faith classes offered at St. Luke Catholic Church
St. Luke Catholic Church, located at 304 South Main Street in Nicholasville, offers classes about the Catholic faith at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. All are welcome. For more information, or to register, please call the church office at 859-885-4892 or email
Salvation Army hosts woman’s bible study
The Nicholasville Salvation Army hosts a women’s bible study from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Thursday mornings located at 205 South 1st Street. All are welcome. For more information call Kim Ball at 859-227-1153.
Free bread for those in need on Sundays
The Saint Athanasius Orthodox Church, located at 100 Lime Lane, offers free bread from Panera Bread to families and individuals in need in the Nicholasville area every Sunday from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. All are welcome.
Nich. United Methodist offers free meals on Saturday
The Nicholasville United Methodist Church offers a free meal from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday. Meals are served at 303 West Maple Street in the Community Center. All are welcome.
Low-impact exercise at Providence Christian Church
The Providence Christian Church, located at 101 Providence Way, hosts a “Bodies in Motion” low-impact exercise class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 to 11 a.m. All are welcome.
Family Day set for Feb. 11 at Brookside Baptist Church
The Brookside Baptist Church, located at 1351 Wilmore Road in Nicholasville, announced it will host a “Family Day” starting with worship at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 11. A meal will follow, along with children activities, family enrichment groups, electronic photo opportunities and job seekers enhancement workshop. The event is free and all are welcome.
Bluegrass Ironmen hosts breakfast every Saturday
The Bluegrass Ironmen, a nonprofit Men’s Ministry, meets every Saturday morning at 203 Oak Street (behind CVS Pharmacy) in Nicholasville for a hot breakfast. The breakfast cost is $3 during the summer, and $5 during fall and spring. First timers and for those who can not afford it the cost is free. The breakfast features a speaker and table discussion. All are welcome.
Mt. Lebanon to host Israel trip this spring
Pastor Michael Canada and his wife Delace of Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church are leading a group to Israel on March 5-14 as part of Educational Opportunities Tours. For more information please call 606-407-0778.