Accepting the perfect word of God

Published 11:01 am Thursday, January 18, 2018

We understand this is not a perfect world and, as humans, we constantly make mistakes. However, when it comes to the Bible, there is a major difference.

This book might have been transcribed by mere mortals, but its content is not from this world. The holy scriptures are a collection of divine messages directly inspired from an omnipotent God and simply recorded by ordinary men.

As one of the most popular and best-selling books in the world, it’s given much reverence and respect but as our postmodern society continues to evolve in their progressive arrogance many individuals are now convinced with the false notion that the Bible is not true.

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Psalm 19:7 declares, “The law of the Lord is perfect,” and Proverbs 30:5 promises that, “Every word of God is pure.”

These heavenly claims of purity and perfection are statements of heavenly truth from the only one who cannot lie. Note the text doesn’t say God’s Word is “mostly” pure or scripture is “nearly” faultless which leaves no room for partial perfection theories.

Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?”

We are reminded when Jesus stood before Pilate and replied that He had come into the world to bear witness unto the truth. Pilate then asked the question, “what is truth?” and revealed that humanity is spiritually blind until God graciously opens their understanding. The truth was standing right in front of him but he could not see it.

There can be no agreement or compromise with the agnostic or the deist who believes that God does not care or intervene in the affairs of mankind.

If we submit to the worldview that many of the Biblical accounts are not literal we are left holding a mystery novel instead of the greatest revelation ever given to the world.

Psalm 12:6 says, “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.”

Believing that God is perfect and that His truth is without error is the foundation of our faith. If the Bible is not accurate when it speaks of geology or genealogy, how can we can place our hope in its theology? In other words, it’s either a trustworthy document or it’s not.

The Bible stands or falls as a whole and is a reflection of its author which — come to think of it — all publications are. If a major newspaper were routinely discovered to contain errors it would be quickly discredited.

It would make no difference to acknowledge that “all the errors are confined to page three,” or “we regularly publish stories that are fabricated.”

For any publication to be reliable in any of its parts, it must be factual throughout. Why would we waste our time reading anything that is a falsehood?

So, where does this leave the Christian who places their hope in the Bible as being the absolute truth? We must comprehend this controversy is not about a religious organization or tradition, but rather is a spiritual war between truth and deception.

As we continue moving toward a more politically correct age we can agree that when it comes to Biblical sovereignty the remnant disciples will continue to lose the support of community, friends and even family.

Jesus in Luke chapter 12 predicts how spiritual views will be the cause for much disagreement, strife and even hostility.

We can try to live in peace and step softly around controversial issues but eventually there will come a time when the serious followers of Christ will be called to stand for God’s requirements and obey His commandments no matter the cost.

As the growing number of atheist, free-thinkers and skeptics continue to become more militant and influential, we can clearly see an aggressive agenda to diminish the integrity of those who uphold and defend the Bible as God’s perfect Word and God Himself as the meaning and purpose of life.

Are we prepared to stand boldly in our faith with God’s Word, even if it means persecution and possible separation from those we love? God is absolute truth and the doctrine of Biblical perfection is extremely important because the truth does matter.

Dr. Billy Holland lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a Christian author, minister and community chaplain. To learn more visit: