Letters to Santa Claus
Published 10:31 am Thursday, December 21, 2017
- Photo submitted
Wilmore Elementary
Fourth Grade
Dear Santa,
What I wish for Christmas are many things but the main things is for my dad to get a job so that we will have enough money. My second wish is to continue to get good grades so I can have a good future. My third wish is to have a better Christmas than my Thanksgiving because my mom was at work on Thanksgiving.
Dear Santa,
This Christmas I want people that have cancer to have help because they fight so hard and it is not fair to them. They should be able to have fun with us and they should be able to have as much fun as everybody does. This doesn’t mean I don’t want presents. Just please help the people with breast cancer.
Kyle Lewis
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I want a Lego set, an Xbox, hot wheels, a soccer ball, and a Manchester City soccer shirt. My wish would be for homeless people to have food and a home.
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want my brother’s leg to heal and get better. He came home from school one day and said it was hurting. Our mom has us walk by the driveway now so he doesn’t like that. It makes it a lot worse. I really want it to get better.
He plays basketball which probably gets in his way. I also really hope that sickness stops catching around this time of year. It has caused a lot of trouble at school. There have been people having to make up tons of work. That is the two things I want for Christmas.
Bryanna Flesher
Dear Santa,
I wish I could have a memory of my favorite dog Gerty who passed away a few months ago. I also want a new tablet for my dad’s house because my tablet overheated and shut off forever not being able to turn on.
Jakob Hornback
Dear Santa,
This Christmas I want a nightstand for my newly decorated room. And here is a list of little things I would enjoy: wooden letters that spell Aubrey, a brand new jump rope, some nail polish, a few sketchbooks, some sharpie ink pens, and last but not least food for the homeless or anyone that needs it. I think I have been good this year but even if I have done some naughty things please include that last one.
Aubrey McGrath
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I want a Kindle. I would like a Kindle because I love to read. Also, books always take a while to get here.
P.S. Thanks for my gift last year.
Cate Denger
Dear Santa,
I hope for a car because our family’s car is too old to go on, so we will need a car to help our family move from one place to another. I hope we can get prayers to help us so we can get a car.
Christopher Seo
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas are some clothes. I want some clothes because I love clothes and because I need some more. I also want a squshie. I want a squshie because I also love squshies too. I also want to give food and toys and clothes to the people that need it so they can be happy at Christmas too.
Dear Santa,
I am asking for not a lot but I am asking for toys and for animals and people. Thank you for last year’s toys. For Christmas I want a Polaroid camera, elf clothes, Squishy’s, Playmobil, Build a Bear clothes. I am asking for pets that are in need to get adopted and loved. Another thing I am asking is for kids who don’t have a home to get adopted. The last thing I am asking for is people who have cancer to feel better.
P.S. The camera needs film to work.
Kaylee Powers
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is the American Girl doll, Samantha. My great grandparents neck to fell better, my mom to own a house, me to go to school with my dad, gymnastics equipment for me and my American Girl doll, a pink large 3DS, a trolls shirt, tickets to go see CoCo, The Emogi Movie, the newest Taylor Swift CD, a Taylor Swift shirt, a Taylor Swift book, a passport so I can go to Paris, France someday, a Paris bed set from Justice, bratayley leotards, shorts and water bottle, more Shopkins and a Shopkin neck pillow.
Ainsley Folley
Wilmore Elementary
First Grade
Mrs. Raszkowski’s Class
Dear Santa,
I want a Nerf gun for Christmas and a new pair of shoes.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a puppy.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want an Xbox and three controllers. I also want a Nerf gun and Nerf darts.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a puppy, a nice puppy. And these sticky balls that stick together. And some Orbey balls.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
Tommy is a great elf! I love Tommy! Tommy is funny and a good hider! At least tell Tommy I think he’s great.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a fishing pole, a toy dog, a largemouth bass, a trampoline, a fish tank, and a fish tank for my gecko, Smokey.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want Legos and a robot spider, and a Lego Transformer.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a Zelda video game player, a real camera and a real car.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want for Christmas a Lego Transformer because I like it so much.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
This is what I want for Christmas: a Lego Minecraft and a PlayStation 3 and that is all.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want L.O.L’s for Christmas.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
This is what I want for Christmas. I want Lego Minecraft and a Nerf Rival Nemesis and some Magic Tree House books.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a baby brother and more stuffies (stuffed animals) and pajamas size 7-8.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I’ve been needing a toy washer and dryer.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a video game.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I want a dog, a baby doll, pj’s and underwear.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I would like Papa John’s cheese pizza and Lebron James’ basketball and an mp3 player.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a baby doll named Love Abella and a dream tent.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy this year. I want a stuffed animal elf, wild krat toys, Minecraft action figures and a Batmobile for Christmas. Feed the reindeer some reindeer seeds.
Jacobi W.
Red Oak Elementary
Second Grade
Mrs. Millers Class
Dear Santa,
My name is Arionna. I like your big fluffy beard. I need a new coat because mine is a little bit too tiny. I want kid make-up. I have a question. Are your elves naughty or nice? Do you have a reindeer named Rudolph the Red nose reindeer? I need a new bunk bed because my bunk bed broke down.
Dear Santa,
My name is Kaitlyn and I am 8 years old. I like your beard. I need jeans and boots to wear and socks so I don’t freeze. Do you have 100 elves? I hope you have a good trip.
Dear Santa,
My name is Cash. I really need a new football uniform. Oh, I love your red suit. I also like your reindeer. I want a new Lego set because I lost all of my Legos. I hope you fly safe and don’t get hurt.
Dear Santa,
My name is Emma. I am 8-years-old. I love your red suit. For Christmas, I would love a new Nutcracker. Another thing I would love is a doll. I need a new pair of shoes because my sister Sierra took my black ones. Do you only wear red? Have a safe trip!
Dear Santa,
My name is Laney. I am 8-years-old. I like your name Father Christmas. Are Elwin and Elska your kindness elves? I want a big Hatchimal because the small ones are not soft. Please also get me a newly stuffed ladybug because mine has a rip. I also need boots because after I came home from a Sam Hunt concert I can’t find mine. Have a safe trip. I love Rudolf’s red glowing nose. Do you like gingerbread houses?
Dear Santa,
My name is Zelda. I am 7-years-old. I love your sleigh. Do you like hot chocolate? I want a Hatchimal because they are cute. I want candy because it is good. I need new socks because I outgrew my old ones. Have a safe ride.
Dear Santa,
I’m Ian. I’m 7-years-old. I really like your clothes. They’re cool. Do your reindeer actually fly? Do they eat fruit? I want a Hatchimal because Hatchimals are rare. I also want a Kano Computer kit because I want to be like fifth graders. I need new books because I want to be smarter. Why do you wear swimming trunks as a suit in Africa? I hope you have a good trip.
Yours truly,
Dear Santa,
Hi, my name is Maxwell. I am 8-years-old and I am in second grade and I like your little elves. They are so cute. Do you have any brothers? Well, I need new shoes. I am already growing out of them and my toes are touching the end. I really want lots and lots of army men because I always lose them. I know you would say this, “why should I give you army men if you always lose them?” Well, this time I will keep track of them. Oh, I forgot to ask you, do you like video games? Have a nice trip. Call me whenever you want to and I love you so much.
Dear Santa,
My name is Chloe B. don’t get me mixed up with the other Chloe. You are nice and jolly. Is Rudolph real? I want a mini trampoline. I want an elf on the shelf. I need new gloves. My old ones are lost. How many elves do you have? Do you like cookies?
Dear Santa,
I go to a school called Red Oak. I am 7-years-old. I like your red coat. How many elves do you have? I want my mom and dad to visit me. I miss my mom and dad because I love my mom and dad. I want a new art set because I love to draw. I need a new pair of shoes because my old shoes do not fit me anymore. How do you deliver all the presents in time? I hope you have a safe trip.
Dear Santa,
I like your big red suit and hat. Can I please have a trampoline and a race track and bike? My one right now has a hole in the tire. So I can’t ride it. That’s why I want a bike. How many elves do you have in your shop? I think your sleigh is cool. I hope you have a safe ride. Just to let you know, I hope you like cookies because we love cookies.
Dear Santa,
Can I please have some boots, warm socks, and a coat? My other boots are too small and my coat is ripped. I think you are a cool dude!
Dear Santa,
My name is Sadie. My mom calls me Sadiebug. I am 7-years-old. I like your sleigh. Do you make your suit? I want to go on a Disney cruise because it sounds really cool to go on. I also want a nutcracker. I need new snow boots because I have grown out of all my other boots. I need new gloves too because I don’t have any. Do you have any other suits? Have a good flight when you deliver all the presents.
Dear Santa,
My name is Cruz. You have nice boots. How does your sled fly? I want a new Hot Wheels toy because my other toys are old. I need new shoes because they keep falling off. I want a golden fidget spinner because my other toys are lost.
Dear Santa,
I am 7-years-old and my name is Aiden. My dad calls me Aide. I like your elves they are funny. How many elves do you have? I want a new Lego set because I like to build. I also want new President book because I like to learn about Presidents. I need a new pair of gloves because my other ones got lost. I hope you have a safe trip.
Dear Santa,
My name is Tilly. I am 7-years-old. I love your reindeer. I love Dasher. I wonder what they eat? I really want an American Girl doll because they are small. I also need new boots because I outgrew mine. I want a new notebook because I drew in all my old ones. I want to know if you like homemade cookies? I hope you have a safe trip.
Dear Santa,
I am 7-years-old. How many elves do you have? Your sleigh is cool. I cannot wait until you come to my house. What kind of cookies do you like? My favorite is Chocolate chip. I want a doll and slime.
Dear Santa,
I am 7-years-old and I have been good this year. I like your fluffy beard! Do you like your shoes? I want lots of L.O.L Surprise dolls because they are lots of fun. They are also fun to play with. I need a new pair of winter boots because I do not have a pair. Do you have 100 elves helping you? Have fun!
Dear Santa,
My name is Chloe. I am 8-years-old. I really want an American Girl doll because I don’t have one. How many elves do you have? I need some more boots because mine have a hole in them. Do you like chocolate cookies? Do you really have a reindeer named Rudolph?
Dear Santa,
My name is Reagan. My family calls me Rea or Rea-rea. I like your suit. Do you really have a reindeer with a red nose? The thing that I want is a Fingerling. The things I need are some boots and I need a big jacket for the winter. Do you like winter? I hope you have a great trip.
Nicholasville Elementary
Dear Santa,
Hi Santa! I’m hoping you and Mrs. Claus are having a great year. I’m having a terrific year. This year I would like an Xbox 360. I am getting a little bored playing on my Playstation 3. Next, I would like the rest of the Beast Guest books. I really don’t want my mom and dad running to the library every day just to get Beast Guest books. Also, my dad is a little sick. I don’t want to push him too much. So please get them. I would also like a new Kindle Fire. My brother is really sad. And we can’t use the Nexus because it glitches. I would also like a new bag of candy. I barely have any more candy left because my mom ate a lot. I forgive her so please don’t blame her for anything. I hope you like my letter and goodbye. Happy Holidays.
Oliver Bowles
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you? I hope you’ve had a great year. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I have been a good girl. Here are the things I want for Christmas. Number one I really want a Barbie blanket. Another thing I want is a Barbie pillow. The third thing I want, Barbie Dream House. The fourth thing I want is Barbie fruit roll-ups. The fifth thing I want all of the Barbie sets. I also want all of the My Life set. No boys and baby My Life’s. The sixth thing, a Barbie phone. The seventh thing is a lot of Barbie books. Eight, 100 Barbie movies. P.S. I will leave you and the reindeer cookies.
Ashlynn Bradshaw
Dear Santa Claus,
I love you very much. I hope you have a good night. What I would like for Christmas is a Dell. Another thing is an Xbox because I want my friends to play with me.
Lucas Harvey
Dear Santa,
How are you? I hope you’ve had a great year. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. One thing I want is a Nintendo Switch because at my mom’s I don’t have any electronics. Another thing I want is a new Xbox game, it’s called Survival Evolved because it’s the best game ever. I love you Santa. I’ll leave the stuff for you.
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a bike. I want a phone and a tablet.
Halo Mathews
Dear Mr. Claus,
Did you have a good year? Merry Christmas. What I want for Christmas, I want a phone for Christmas. Also, I want makeup. Last I want a board. I hope you have a good year.
Dear Santa,
Hi, how are you? I hope you have had a jolly Christmas. For Christmas, I want Monopoly, big stuff, gold shoes and $1,000,000. Nerf stuff and phone. I will probably give you chocolate and milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer.
JoJo Ludrick
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a great Christmas in 12 days. I have been a good boy this year. Here is what I want for Christmas. I want a Lego dimension. I also want an Xbox One. I also want boots. I would also want to be an elf. Santa I would want to see you somewhere.
Gilbert Noah
Dear Santa,
I hope you will have a great year and I really want a Playstation and a 22 rifle and a phone and I will leave you some cookies and milk for you and the reindeer.
Davyn Shewmaker
Dear Santa,
I hope you had a great year. I am writing to you because it is almost Christmas. I’m going to tell you what I want. First, can you get me a dirt bike because I love motorcycles. Second, can you get me an Xbox because I love Xbox. Last but not least can you get me a fixing set because I want to be like PaPa. That’s all Santa. I will leave cookies for you and the reindeer.
Prince Spince
Dear Santa Claus,
I hope you, the reindeer, Ms. Claus and the elves have a great year. This is what I want for Christmas. I would like a Nintendo 3DS, a purple one because my Ipad is acting weird. And next bubble gum because I run out of that. Last I would like one of those big Hershey bars and M&M’s.
Mollie Simpson
Dear Santa Claus,
How was your year? I am writing because I want some toys for Christmas. One thing I want is a Nintendo Switch, a drift cart, a Nemesis Nerf gun, a bean bag, a Slash RC, Nerf balls and $500.00.
Ryan Manuel
Dear Mrs. and Mr. Claus,
My name is Skyler. I hope you have a good year. I know it is hard to deliver presents every year. I want a sniper Nerf gun because my brother broke mine and a pack of Nerf bullets. I will leave some milk and cookies and carrots.
Skyler Jones
Dear Mr. Claus,
How are you? I hope you are feeling good? For Christmas, I want a Nintendo Switch because my dad has it and it looks fun. Next, I want an American Doll because I only have one. Finally, I want a bunch of decorations. I will leave some milk and cookies for you and the reindeer.
Kristen Gamble
Dear Santa,
I hope you have had plenty of rest. If you don’t know what I want let me tell you. I want a Nintendo Switch, a crossbow, an Xbox with the Hallo game. I want these things because I see people with them and it looks really fun. I will ask mom to put cookies along with apples.
Dylan Ramey
Dear Santa Claus,
I hope you have a great year. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I would like a Nintendo Switch. I would like an Xbox. One game is called Ark Survival Evolved. Oh ya, and Santa, I just want to tell you that I love you. You are the best person ever. I love you and I will leave some cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. I have been a really good boy this year.
Gavin Gonzales
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you? I believe in you! I wish you can come to my family’s home. I want a Frozen toy. I want a toy Monster High, Monopoly, Dominoes and Globemaster. I would like to ride in your sleigh because I want to deliver presents.
Julia Lynn Beghtol
Dear Santa,
I hope you’ve had a great year. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I’ve been a good boy this year. I want blade burst. I think it is fun. I also want more Nintendo 3DS games. Mario and Luigi Dream Team. Also, a belt because some of my pants are too big.
Jacob Lopez
Dear Saint Nick,
How have you been? I hope you’re happy this year. I really want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I would like a Kano Sensor Motion Kit so I can have more fun on my Kano computer. I would also like a Flipazoo and I want its size to be medium.
Caelyn Evie Brown
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you? I hope you have had a great year. I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. This year, I have been a really good boy. Here is what I would like for Christmas. One thing I would want for Christmas is Microsoft points. I want Microsoft points because I want to rep up to play with people. Another thing I would want for Christmas is a Russell Westbrook Jersey. I want it because I love basketball.
Nathan Adkins
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you? I hope you, your reindeer. Miss Claus and your elves have had a great year. Here is my Christmas list. One thing I want for Christmas is a Cra-Z-Art food maker for ice cream. Another thing I would like is a Barbie Cadillac Escalade ride in pink. I would like Shiloh books and finally I would like some of my twin doll stuff. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Jenna Higdon
Dear Old St. Nicholas,
I hope you have a great year. I want a Lonzo ball poster and Jersey because that is my favorite player. I would like a Harvard basketball jersey of Bryce Aiken.
Gavin Crowods
Dear Santa,
How are you? I hope you had a great year. I’m going to tell you what I want for X-Mas. I want heels. I want a drone so I can fly it around my home. I want a Nintendo Switch so I can play Mario Kart. Also, I want a phone because my phone does not work.
Carter Burkett
Dear Santa,
My name is Arionna. I like your big fluffy beard. I need a new coat because mine is a little bit too tiny. I want kid makeup. I have a question. Are your elves naughty or nice? Do you have a reindeer named Rudolph the red nose reindeer? I need a new bunk bed because my bunk bed broke down.
Rosenwald-Dunbar Elementary School
Pam Seamands
Third grade
Dear Santa,
One thing I want is a little Christmas tree for my room.
Kaydence Cuzick
Dear Santa,
I was very good. I want a little live pet that is a bag and has a hotel.
Esther Raphael
Dear Santa,
I want an Xbox One. I want the game Madden 18, I want the 2K18, a jersey and a football.
Owen Hudson
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is $500 under my pillow when I wake up on Christmas morning and an American Girl Doll pet that is a cat.
Leah Dabbain
P.S. Anything would make me happy
Dear Santa,
I hope you are having fun with your elves!! I want a lap top and a Nintendo 3Ds.
Clay Dale
Dear Santa,
13 more days until Christmas! And 12 more until Christmas Eve! For Christmas I want everything I put on my list that I sent you, but in case you forgot, I’ll write some more.
Eliza’s List
Tenny’s Guitar
Other American Girl Things
Craft Things
It’s like my brother’s list all over again, but anyway, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Eliza Bartlett
Dear Santa,
I want a real Green Bay Packers helmet. I also want a Raiders helmet so I can show my friend Luke. I am not trying to brag. OK
Jacob Ryne Cissell
Dear Santa,
This year I would love a pair of ice skates and a puppy!
Hadley McMillen
Dear Santa,
I want lots of things for Christmas. I want Nerf guns.
John David Lowery
Dear Santa,
I want a Lonzo Ball jersey and a laptop, a PS4 and a headset 2K18, Madden 18 and light up controls.
Hayden Brock
Dear Santa,
All that I want for Christmas is a basketball with no design on it. Thank you, Santa.
Kellen Dziki
Dear Santa,
How are you and Rudolph doing? For Christmas , I want a two WWE belts. Thank you from the best boy in the world.
Aaron Hicks
Dear Santa,
I want to meet Jake Paul and I want an L.O.L doll, Xbox360 and a Squicky, Please bring me what I want.
Journie Nelson
Dear Santa,
I want an Xbox one with Madden 18 for XMAS.
Luke Harrison Allen
Dear Santa,
I want a lot of Ambercrombie clothes for Christmas.
Bethany Warren
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl! I don’t want much for Christmas. I want Legos and softball stuff. I hope you can think of the rest. Christmas is my favorite holiday! I’ve always thought of what it’s like in the north pole. I hope you don’t miss my house.
Greatest Girl in the World!
Paige Hobgood
Dear Santa,
I want a bike for Christmas and a dog and a PSpro.
Jayden Coleman
Dear Santa,
I would like Jake Paul merchandise in children’s sizes please. I want people to share the Christmas joy and I know you can because you are the best. Thank you for giving me presents every year even if I was a little naughty.
Brynely Watts
Dear Santa,
I want a Nerf gun set and a drone and a dirt bike that is gas powered and a lot of fidget spinners and a new basketball goal in my room.
Your friend,
Tristan McCoy
Dear Santa,
I like your reindeers, mostly Rudolph. I want a four wheeler, a PS and a football, basketball, and a basketball goal. That is all I want.
Natanael Guiterrez-Hernandez
Brookside Elementary School
Mrs. Lambert
First Grade
Dear Santa,
How was your reindeers and Mrs. Clause? I want some Barbies for Christmas and I want a toy stuffed animal.
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeers and elves and Mrs. Claus? I’m a nice girl. I hachtimal and the twin big hachtimal egg. I how you have a good journey back at the north pore.
Der Santa,
Can you give me pekchoo cosmos, too ipaxiles. Have a safe flight.
Dear Santa,
Is Mrs. Claus good? I could like a cat, a robot cat that eats and you can teach it tricks.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? How are your elves doing too? Can you give me a flash costume and a new skateboard and I will leave you milk and cookies.
Dear Santa,
Did you have a good day and your elves today? May I have a bike? I have been a good boy like all year. Happy Christmas. And I want 10 Pokemon cards and a skateboard.
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I have been a good boy this yer. Can I please have a bike on Christmas?
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I have been a good kid this yer. I want a bike and a fidget spinner. Also a baby live and some Play dough Plus because it is so fun.
Dear Santa,
How are your elves Doing? How are you? I want hatchimals twins for Christmas. I will Leave cookies out and milk. Merry Christmas and a happy New year. I love you Santa.
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer will you please bring me ten parakeet’s five blue and five white I have been a good girl I love you Santa!
Norah Alimento
Dear Santa,
How are you doing I have been nice this year please give me a toy kitchen and a toy dog have a safe trip
Dear Santa,
I love you. How is your journey. Will you please get me a beautiful jacket and a baby doll. I love you.
Kendall Wilson
Dear Santa,
How are you doing?
Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I hope you are having a good time in the workshop. All i want is a big robot. Merry Christmas to all and good night.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. I please I want a bike.
Dear Santa,
How are your reindeer? Will you please bring me parakeets that are real and a dog and a cat.
Eva Lynn
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I want a horse and I will say giddy up. I’ll see you on Christmas break.
Dear Santa,
I want a tow truck and a car that you can sit in and a nutcracker.
Dear Santa,
How are you and Mrs. Clause. Im excited for Christmas. I really want a dog for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I want a Xbox and a swat outfit.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I want a karaoke machine so I can sing!
Dear Santa,
I was a big girl. Can you bring me a Barbie car and a real car.
Dear Santa,
I hope everything you got is good. So please, I hope you get it.