Providence Christian Church Celebrates 200 years
Published 8:32 pm Wednesday, February 22, 2017
- Photo provided by Marie Davenport
A church in Nicholasville celebrated its 200th birthday on Sunday, Feb. 19.
Providence Baptist Church was formed in March of 1817. Brother Jeremiah Vardman served as minister until 1826, according to the church’s website.
The first church building resided on US 27 near the Fayette/Jessamine County line in 1820, until it was damaged by a tornado 29 years later.
The second church building was built in 1850, and is now Clairebourne Antiques on US 27. The third facility was constructed in 1914 and moved in 1917. The church property — where Red Robin restaurant is now located — was sold in August 2006 to become a part of the Brannon Crossing Development. The church nestled into its current home on 101 Providence Way in November of 2007.
Despite several building changes, the church itself has remained intact for 200 years, and members continue to look forward to future endeavors.
Around 95 people came to the celebration at Providence Christian Church to enjoy the fellowship, history and cake.
Rev. James H. Trader, II, Curator of Cane Ridge House, preached a sermon at the bicentennial worship service, and Rev. Carol L. Devine, pastor, contributed a historical sketch of Providence and the Disciples of Christ.
Over the years, the church has celebrated countless weddings, baby dedications, baptisms and funerals.
Longest member, Eddie Cox, who has been with the church for over 70 years, presented a glimpse into the past in the form of an overview of all her memories of the church broken down into decades.
“Each decade had its own special highlights of memories for me,” Cox said.
She said one thing that strikes her the most is how the church went from being the center of family activities to being among the many options of a variety of activities that keeps a family busy.
Another member, Carl Waits, presented a glimpse into the future.
“It was a celebration of things to come,” Cox said.
The service on Sunday was followed by a birthday cake reception. Providence Church is now planning a community-involved celebration where everyone is welcome to attend. The celebration that will feature a cookout and other activities, will occur the weekend of Saturday, May 20 through Sunday, May, 21.
- Photo provided by Marie Davenport