Letter to the editor | New majority to make a better Kentucky
Published 12:53 pm Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Dear editor,
As we know, Kentuckians as a culture largely avoid change. On November 8, 2016, Kentuckians went against the nearly 100 year grain and elected a Republican majority in the Kentucky House of Representatives. Kentuckians are ready for a change in House leadership that will bring about a new direction for our Commonwealth through more jobs and business opportunities.
In Kentucky, I have been involved in business ventures for decades, some of which were more easily obtained than others. But all had a great growth potential for our Commonwealth. The new House Republican super majority campaigned on the promise of bettering the business environment in Kentucky, therefore creating more growth across the board. Along with Governor Matt Bevin’s pro-economic growth direction and Senate President Robert Stivers’ pro-business agenda, I look forward to House Republicans completing the puzzle to set and deliver a pro-business and pro-jobs growth agenda for the future of the Commonwealth.
As a state, we must become competitive with our neighbors to attract new businesses. It’s a new day in Kentucky, and I’m confident our new leadership will foster fresh ideas within the government to enable the Commonwealth to flourish and to spotlight the natural benefits of things like our geographic location that position us to lead the way.
For many years I have worked on projects with Speaker-Elect Jeff Hoover. He is a pro-business, pro-jobs, pro-family growth leader who is poised to deliver to Kentucky the new direction it so much deserves. I am excited about the new opportunities that we are all faced with. I am encouraged by the direction and tone Speaker-Elect Hoover has set and know he will deliver.
Great things are on the horizon and 2017 is the beginning of a new, better Kentucky.
Jim Host
Former Kentucky Secretary of Commerce 2003-2005