Letter from the editor | Giving thanks for many blessings during the holidays
Published 11:37 am Tuesday, November 22, 2016
- Editor of the Jessamine Journal
In elementary school, I was asked what my family ate for holiday dinner. My teacher quoted me saying, “Turkey, corn, actually, ask my mom. She likes cows.”
The answer is still pretty much the same. We have turkey, ham and all the fixings that go with them, and my mom still likes cows.
We were asked other questions in that class, such as what we wanted for Christmas, and what the holidays mean for us. The answers vary based on the person being asked.
For me, it’s the smell of food floating from the kitchen while the sound of laughter rings throughout the living room. The feeling of warmth and love that fills the house, while colorful leaves cover the ground outside of the chilled windows. It’s about being thankful for the many warm memories we get to make with our loved ones.
Though I am most thankful for my loved ones, I am also thankful for the many other blessings I have such as a roof over my head, food in my fridge, clothes on my back and the job I go to every day surrounded by my wonderful work family.
While many of us enjoy these blessings, many of us do not.
Which leads me to the other item I am thankful for — this community. The Jessamine Journal would not exist without our readers, and we would not have anything to write about if it was not for this wonderful community. I have been so thrilled to see so many organizations and businesses giving back this holiday season, and many of them we have written about.
The Jessamine County Homeless Coalition has worked tirelessly to provide a place for those without a home to go to this winter. The Jessamine County Food Pantry — along with other businesses and organizations — have collected donations to feed those without food. And other organizations, including the Nicholasville Fire Department, are collecting toys for children in the community who may not have them otherwise.
A woman in Nicholasville is also giving active military members who can not be with their families this holiday, a piece of home through care packages.
I am thankful that I moved to a community that is filled with so many giving residents.
Have a warm and happy Thanksgiving!