Traffic flow set to change at East Jessamine Middle
Published 5:06 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The traffic patterns parents follow to drop off and pick up their children at East Jessamine Middle School will be changing after Fall Break.
Due to safety issues, traffic for afternoon pick up will be rerouted beginning Oct. 17.
“Our goal is to alleviate traffic backing up on 169, and moving the pick up line faster,” a hand-out sent home to parents said.
The Principal of East Jessamine Middle School, Tracy Devney, said parents will no longer enter through the main entrance. Now, they will come in via the Red Oak access road.
“Parents who park in the lot and have students meet them at the car will need to follow the same route as parents waiting in the line,” Devney said.
All morning drop-off students will enter at the main EJMS entrance.
All cars will turn into the main parking lot through a left turn, then proceed to the right and around the car pool lane loop.
Students will be dropped off by the flagpole, and enter the building near the cafe`-theater.
Cars will then continue down the car pool lane and exit through the main entrance.
With afternoon pick up, the school’s main entrance will be closed to oncoming traffic from 3:30 to 3:50 p.m.
All carpool traffic, as well as regular traffic, will enter at the Red Oak entrance.
All cars will then turn left onto the access road toward EJMS, and turn off the access road into the parking lot through a right turn before proceeding around the car pool lane loop.
Car riders will be picked up between the awning and the Pick Up Students sign.
Teachers will dismiss cars as the children board, and they will exit out of the parking lot to the right and out the main entrance.