Latest High Bridge


High chance of winter storm coming to Jessamine County Sunday morning

High chance of winter storm coming to Jessamine County Sunday morning By: Gillian Stawiszynski According to the ...


Candidates for BOE sound off on the issues

The Jessamine County Schools (JCS) Board of Education has several districts up for reelection: districts one, two, and ...


Wilmore to Host Arts and Crafts Festival

Submitted article The City of Wilmore invites you to attend the 25th Arts and Crafts Festival on Saturday, ...


Wilmore based swim team coach named Kentucky Coach of the Year

The HighBridge Aquatic co-ed swim team currently serves about 85 kids from Jessamine County and a few from ...


Jessamine County Fiscal Court approves aid for High Bridge, John Preece and industrial park

House Bill 1 has appropriated funds from the Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account to various state agencies for ...

