Billy Holland | There is more to being rich than having money

Published 7:05 pm Wednesday, April 12, 2017

We often hear the term “it’s all about the money,” but nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to hope and a sense of spiritual well-being. Humans use their creativity and imaginations to dream about being satisfied, but I would say that fantasies about power, fame and money are the most common. The recent record-breaking lottery generated quite a bit of excitement and like everyone else, I was amazed at how the jackpot grew and what a mesmerizing effect it had on the masses. Human behavior is interesting, especially when it comes to considering the influence money has on us and how easily it can distract us from what’s really important.

Certain religious interpretations declare that gambling is a sin and it might be, but casting lots is not always associated with wrongdoing. I can agree that someone who cannot afford to pay their bills and yet will waste money on daily lottery tickets needs more than financial help. Nonetheless, I personally do not see anything wrong with someone spending a couple of dollars every now and then to have a chance to be financially secure. It is true, money cannot bring happiness, and I question whether or not even winning the lottery would truly be a blessing for many, as I believe that would depend on how mature and level-headed the individual is. I have also pondered that instead of praying to have more money, maybe we should spend more time asking God how to better manage what we have.

I am not knocking money, in fact, I need it and it can do a lot of good, but in the hands of those who pay no heed to God’s instructions, it can become like a blind man operating a wrecking ball. Instead of wealth being used as an instrument to help the poor and finance God’s ministries, if we are not careful, it can actually use us by capturing our mind and possessing our soul.

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I have also often wondered if winning the lottery is strictly by chance or if God has a hand in who wins? We realize He already knows in advance who will have the correct numbers, but how in the world with so many people praying to win, does He choose one winner? Let’s just say it’s possible that God could give us the numbers through road signs or a dream, but we must remember that more important than having a bank filled with money is to make sure we are not in love with it. Hopefully, we all can agree that even if we have small finances, our joy, peace and contentment will always be found in the secret place of His presence. “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have turned away from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (I Timothy 6:10). 

Dr. Holland lives in Central Kentucky with his wife Cheryl, where he is a Christian author and community outreach chaplain. Request a free copy of his new CD at