Letter to the Editor | Vote for someone you can believe in

Published 2:24 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dear Editor,

In an election year when it seems like many are voting against a candidate or party, it is a pleasure to have a candidate to be excited to support. For me, that candidate is Russ Meyer for District 39 House of Representatives. As an educator for over a quarter of a century, I know that Russ supports public education. His children attended public school, where he and his wife were very involved, and now his son attends a public university. He supports education because he understands Kentucky education, and how important it is to a vital community. Russ Meyer will cross party lines to vote his conscious. He has wide-spread support from both democrats and republicans because his constituents know that he will always vote for what is best for this district. Recently, someone passed out flyers that were full of lies and partial truths about Russ’s voting record. If you have any questions about the way Russ has voted on anything in the House of Representatives, I suggest you contact him. He is always willing to talk to the people he serves. Most of America will be glad for this election cycle to be over. I am no exception. But I would encourage you to still vote, and vote for someone you can believe in. Vote for Russ. Meyer.

PJ Burns

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